Archive for ‘March, 2010’

Should China grow GM rice?

There’s an interesting piece in the China Daily today that brings together three contrasting views on China’s decision to allow the cultivation of genetically-modified rice.

Grapple factor

I’m pleased to see that an American blog has picked up on the term ‘grapple factor’ – a term invented by my father to describe foods…

Gong Bao chicken

I’m quite chuffed to read this thread on a Chinese web discussion board about Gong Bao chicken (apologies to those of you who can’t read Chinese).…

A drawing

Sometimes I just have to draw, like today (although it’s the first time in ages). More than anything, I like drawing faces, and so, when like…

To cook a camel

I’ve been discussing camel cookery with my friend Anissa Helou, an expert on Middle Eastern food, and Charles Perry, an expert on Medieval Arabic food, on…