
I’ve currently having a new website designed, which will have a contact form embedded. Until it’s launched, you can contact me through W.W.Norton, my publishers in the United States, or in the UK through my agent Zoë Waldie at RCW Literary Agency  or through Penguin Press at Penguin Books . For US book tour publicity enquiries, please contact

Alternatively, please message me directly on Instagram or Twitter (@fuchsiadunlop), or via Facebook (Fuchsia Dunlop).

7 Responses to “Contact”

  1. tom

    Hi fuschia

    I’m having real difficulty tracking down some Dan Dan seasoning co chilli bean paste in London. Any idea where stocks it?


  2. Fuchsia

    Hi Tom
    I bought some last week in See Woo, Lisle St, Chinatown!

  3. Fred Bass

    Hello. Thank you for writing Land of Plenty! May this book bring you more success than you can imagine!

    I do have a question about the household pao cai tan zi. If I understand this correctly, multiple vegetables are fermenting at the same time. The stuff I find on the Internet is primarily concerned with the fermentation of one veg at a time. To me this sounds like a significant loss of opportunity for the co-mingling of flavors, but I thought it best to ask you, before I try this. Am I correct in what I believe I’ve read?
    Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
    Fred Bass

  4. Fuchsia

    Hi Fred
    Thanks for your kind comment!
    Yes, in Sichuan people often, but not always, ferment a mix of vegetables at the same time.
    best wishes

  5. Hua

    My mum used to make Pao Cai with a mix of veggies every year, miss them so much… Do you know if there is any place in London who serves or sells them?
    Many thanks,

  6. Fuchsia

    Hua – Sichuan paocai are on the menu at Barshu, in Frith St.

  7. Heather S

    Hi Fuschia,

    We love your books and eat something Sichuan most days – thank you!

    We have most recently started cooking more from your Hunan cookbook, but can’t find Winter Sacrifice beans anywhere. Can you let us know where you get yours and what to look for?

