Posts from the ‘Events’ category

Wobble wobble

Fancy a jellyfish jelly? This is one I made for the Oxford Food Symposium Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on Friday. It’s just a home-made lime-and-lemon jelly…

Dumpling fun

The theme of this year’s Oxford Food Symposium was ‘Stuffed and Wrapped’ – so we spent the whole weekend discussing dumplings, pasties, stuffed vegetables and the…

Barshu awayday

Last week Barshu (the Sichuanese restaurant where I work as consultant) ran a team-building awayday for some corporate clients in the beautiful private room on the…

Food Inc

Last night I went to a press screening of Food Inc, Robert Kenner’s film about the corporate takeover of the American (and global) agricultural and food…


I was in Singapore, for the first time, in October, as a panellist at the International Congress of Chinese Cuisine and Wine (ICCCW). I’ll be writing…