Gastronomic tour of China!

I’m very happy to report that I’ll be leading a gastronomic tour of China from October 13-24 this year, in conjunction with WildChina, a specialist travel company based in Beijing. We’ll be eating our way around Beijing, Xi’an, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Shanghai, as well as visiting amazing sites such as the Terracotta Army and the Great Wall. I’ll be arranging menus and explaining the food. Should be fun! Please go to the WildChina website for more details

4 Responses to “Gastronomic tour of China!”

  1. Daire

    Hi Fuchsia

    This looks brilliant! Is there going to be scope to get off the beaten track a bit?


  2. Fuchsia

    We’ll certainly get off the culinary beaten track – I’ll be ordering and explaining some things I imagine most guests won’t have tried before! But we are deliberately incorporating some of the most important Chinese destinations. If you want to head for the obscure hills, I suggested you stay on after the end of the trip and explore some more!

  3. Mindy

    Are you going to do a tour in 2015? My daughter gave me your book as a gift, and now I want to take the trip. I saw a tour on Wild China site, but without any guide names. Thanks for any info!

  4. Fuchsia

    Hi Mindy
    Yes, I’ll be doing two tours in 2015, one classic tour and one to Yunnan! Please contact Wild China for details.

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