James Beard Awards 2014

I’m thrilled and amazed to be nominated in two categories this year! Every Grain of Rice: Simple Chinese Home Cooking is on the shortlist for international cookbooks, and my Lucky Peach article ‘Dick Soup’ (one of the pieces I’ve enjoyed writing most!) is shortlisted in the ‘Personal Essay’ section, alongside pieces by two fantastic writers, Elizabeth Gilbert and Gabrielle Hamilton. You can read the full shortlist here.

10 Responses to “James Beard Awards 2014”

  1. Ana

    I thought it was going to be a mispronunciation of ‘Duck Soup’… eeehm!!! 🙂

    Congratulations for both nominations. And thank you for another fantastic book! I’ve enjoyed using it, and eating the results. I’ve probably made over 30 recipes from it by now.

  2. Heather Caouette

    You deserve it! I cook something out of Every Grain of Rice at least twice a week. It is beautiful and has changed the way I cook, and I thank you for it.

  3. Blanca

    Congratulations! I love your new book. I am in living in China and using your book all the time. I love the simple and delicious recipes.

  4. Howard

    Congratulations! You absolutely deserve it. I’m Chinese American, and I must have owned 20+ Chinese cookbooks over the years. This is far and away the best one I’ve ever seen. Thank you for writing it–and not that it matters much in the big scheme of things, but I certainly hope you win, too!

  5. Fuchsia

    Always particularly satisfying when Chinese people/people living in China use my books – thanks!

  6. IanG

    Let me be the first to congratulate you on WINNING the International award!!!!!

    Very well done, and absolutely well deserved!


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